Automatically prepares and runs an INSERT or UPDATE query based on variables you supply.
This is very usefull when you simple want to save post data from a huge web form, AutoExecute will genereate a mysql prepared statement from the array used and INSERT or UPDATE
AutoExecute($table, $fields, $mode = 'INSERT', $where = null)
$table: | The name of the table you want to INSERT or UPDATE |
$fields: | An assoc array (key => value), keys are fields names, values are values of these fields. |
$mode: | INSERT or UPDATE |
$where: | A string to be used in the WHERE clause. This is only used when $mode = UPDATE. |
Insert all $_POST data example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | <?php
require_once 'dalmp.php';
$user = getenv('MYSQL_USER') ?: 'root';
$password = getenv('MYSQL_PASS') ?: '';
$DSN = "utf8://$user:$password".'@';
$db = new DALMP\Database($DSN);
// the key values of $_POST must be equal to the column names of the mysql table
$db->AutoExecute('mytable', $_POST);
Update example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | <?php
require_once 'dalmp.php';
$user = getenv('MYSQL_USER') ?: 'root';
$password = getenv('MYSQL_PASS') ?: '';
$DSN = "utf8://$user:$password".'@';
$db = new DALMP\Database($DSN);
$date = array('username' => 'nbari',
'status' => 1);
$db->AutoExecute('mytable', $data, 'UPDATE', 'status=0 AND uid=14');
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